Mon 27 Jan
sexy ( thick thinks and very enticing eyes) incall special Lets have a great night 8o$ half hr - 27
(Yuma, Yuma Mall ;16th street)
🌟🌟🌟 Ready to play..are you?? 🌟🌟🌟 - 21
(everywhere, Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
Get ready for sex in 10 min!
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
%%9 1/2" GuArAnTeed ! & FuLly FuNcTiOnAlL NO RUSH! AND YES Bigger Is Better i LOVE KIS - 22
100 special NEW———[[ EXOTIC BarBIE ]] ——————[[ SUPER SEXY ]] ———————[[ AMAZING 100 SPECIALS]] - 22
( ( ( CaLifoRniA * JUiCy * BloNde * ---- * ReAL PiCs!! ) ) ) Best TreAt in YUMA!! - 20
(Yuma, YUMA / 32nd st area)
CrAvIng SoMeThInG DifFeREnT__ XoXo__ BeAuTifUl GodDess Available Now (BooTYLiCiOUS BuStY) - 21
(YUMA INCALL /outcalls)
100 spec. Lk ❤ ▃❤▃ GD ▃❤▃ F| ❤▃ BttR▃ ❤▃ military friendly spec .100 - 21
(Yuma, incall /outcall MILITARY SPECIAL)
24-7 .... Hawaiian -_$90 -_- BRAZILIAN Freak .... Exotic Top Notch .... New pics 100% real - - 20
(Yuma, yuma az)
Avail now! Blonde:*¨¨*: Gorgeous FACE :*¨¨*: SPANISH/It@lian :*¨¨*: L@TiN PASSION @ its BEST - 24
(Yuma, UPSCALE IN/OUT 100% independent)
busty all natural sweetness! pure bliss & kinky fun awaits!
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
▄▄ ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ ❤CERTIFIED❤ »-★» ❤ 2 ❤ »-★-» ❤SATISFY❤ » ❤ 2 girl specials - 22
(Yuma, call me specials in/out call special s)
100HH Spec SexY=)) Green eyed o•★© (=ADDICTIVE=) beauty MILITARY SPECIALS CuTie WitH SMaCkABle BooTy - 25
(Yuma, Yuma In Calls/Out Calls)
(( VISITING )) ☰ NOW ((100 SPeCIaL)) ☰☰ InDEPeNDeNT UpScale ☰☰ LaTIN LUVeR ☰ - 25
Know who you're meeting..Be safe… is here! 100% free! - 22
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, OutCall)
✔•• ♡•• N0 BAiT AND SWiTCH !! S3XY ALLURiNG & Mixed Cutie with a lot of booty 💋 - 24
(Yuma, Yuma palms)
100hh special - Review lD #: 256321 💎 Mixed cutie with a booty 😍 Perky 34B ( .)(. ) - 21
(Yuma, Yuma - Incall & Outcall)
★ SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs & KiNkY ★ SeXxY EbONy ★ LETs PLay ★ - 24
(Yuma, In/outcall Yuma / Best specials call now)
Is your rent late? Make a quick $450/day webcamming from home! (females only) - 39
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
🌟 "Five Star" Provider 🎀 💛Luxury 🎀 👄💍Upscale🏆 Gorgeous Goddess 💜Leaving💜💦SOON - 24
(Yuma, 💦💦💦YuMa BaYbEE💦💦💦#1 BeSt ChoiCe)
a sexy companion for all your needs & desires!
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
just arrived (v¯) ღ Fun Size Exotic Barbie ღ (¯`v) ღ BRAND NEW ♡ LooKing 4 ur CANDY ??♥ visit availa - 22
(in/outcall specials military spec, Yuma)
_____________ SEXY WHITEgirl SPECIALS _______________ " it DOESNT get ANY BETTER " ______________ - 20
(YUMA // 16th & 8frw)
*.°*° ::::::::::::::: ___S____ H____ O____ W____ T____ !____ M____ ____ ::::::::::::::: °*°.* - 21
SaVaj'..... the' PUUUrfect MiX Persian & Latin M@KiN N0iSe n EnGliSh & Sp@NiSh - 25
(Yuma, no longer in town...)
NO L O N G E R iN T O W N •---• COMiNG b A C k NEXT WEEk •---• P R E E b O O k NOW - 22
(Yuma, Yuma ( Available 7/10-7/13 ))
Blonde:*¨¨*: Gorgeous FACE :*¨¨*: SPANISH/It@lian :*¨¨*: L@TiN PASSION @ its BEST - 24
new! T=O=P * N =O=T=C=H * B=L=O=N=D=E=( Ready 2 PLAY ) * U=N=D=E=N=I =A=B=L=E * S=K=I =L=L=S!!!! - 25
(Yuma, no longer in town... but ill return)
*★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★ Specials - 20
(Yuma, yuma in/outcalls)
CalF bReEd (( ♥ )): FL M¥ BÕÐ ÂLL ÕVR ¥ÕUR BÕÐ BÂB¥ :(( ♥ ) im ExActly WhAt u NeEd - 21
(yuma -i16th st in/out specials)
8O AfterWork Special ★Im Th€ €XoTiC CuT!€ U WiSh £iV€d N€Xt DooR ★ iTs PlA¥TiM€ [ SuPEr KiNKy ! ]★ - 22
(Yuma, yuma 16 th street - In Calls - Out Calls)
Hiring webcam models - Earn up to $120 an hour
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
Sun 12 Jan
ViSitiNG fOR A LiMitEd tiME •¤• EXOtiC bRUNEttE hOttiE •¤• AVAiLAbLE NOW & ALL NiGht - 22
(Yuma, Available until 6/23)
~**~ 5 Star Service * * GorgeouS & CaptiVatinG * * People Pleaser ** No GameS ! Great SPECIALS ~**~ - 27
(Yuma, my phonereception bad here keep calling,)
——*★*—— SO HOT —— *★*—— SO SWEET @— *★*——SO SEXY— SO DELICIOUS 4ODDs - 22
(Yuma, Yuma Palms 8O In call Specials)
Tired Of All Fake Pictures ((( CLICK HERE ))) If You Want The Real Deal ((( Specials All Day )) - 19
(Yuma Incalls/ outcalls)
(Yuma, yuma /incall /outcall)
**VISITING ~NeW~** HOT SeXxY* chAsitY* CURVES* & EXTREMELY FUN (. )(. )**~Great SPECIALS!!! - 19
(16th st in/outcalls! outcalls! outcalls!)
Sat 11 Jan